Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analysis of the Allegory of the Cave Essay

Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† presents a visualization of people who are slaves that have been chained in front of a fire their whole lives. These people observe the shadows of different things shown on the cave wall that is in front of them. The shadows are the only â€Å"reality† the slaves know. This is because they have never seen anything else to compare them to. Plato argues that there is a critical flaw in how people mistake their limited perceptions as reality, as truth, and as what they believe to be what is good. The allegory reveals how the flaw affects our education, our spirituality, and our politics. The flaw that Plato speaks about is how people trust what they see and think it is real. In The Allegory of the Cave, the slaves in the caves know that the shadows, shown on the wall by the fire behind them, are real. If they were to talk to the shadows echoes would make the shadows appear to talk back. To the slaves, as Plato puts it, â€Å"the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images†¦. † The allegory also talks about how a slave is later brought out of the cave, in what Plato refers to as â€Å"the ascent of the soul into the intellectual world. † Once out of the cave, the slaves discover that what they thought was real is not. They learn to understand all of these new images as what is real and what is true. Since the slaves have been in the dark for all their lives, both literally and metaphorically, the light blinds them. Representing knowledge, the light is too brilliant for them to see and comprehend. The slaves must be re-educated. They have to learn that the reflections are truer than shadows and the objects truer than reflections. They must deal with a new reality that does not exist within the cave. Plato says that these people who are brought out of the cave must go back into the cave to educate the other slaves. But the only people who should be allowed back into the cave are the ones who are willing to go back. The people must teach the other slaves about the reality outside of the cave, and what is outside of the slaves’ reality. These are representing the philosophers in the allegory. The capacity to learn exists in the soul. Humans need to use their whole soul to learn, not just use their eyes. The allegory states that, â€Å"†¦the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already; and that just as the eye was unable to turn from the darkness to light without the whole body, so too the instrument of knowledge can only y the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being†¦. † According to Plato, human beings’ misperception about â€Å"reality† also affects the spiritual growth of that person. When the slave makes the ascent out of the cave that they have been in their entire life and sees the sun, they will be reminded of God. Plato wrote about how the slaves may even mistake the sun for God because the slaves would have no real perception of what the sun or what God looks like. Having moved from darkness into light, the slaves come to the conclusion that this bright light must be God. Plato argues that one’s soul holds knowledge of what is true. When one learns, one simply remembers. People originate from Heaven where they knew the truth. In the Bible it even talks about how on the outside people are wasting away every day but on the inside they are being renewed every day. One is renewed day by day by remembering things that their soul knows, but that they have forgotten. Also, Plato discredits a government run by the people in the cave who are uneducated and yet still fight for power. He also argues that the people who have made the ascent from the cave must govern, for they know what is real and what is not real because they understand that the shadows are only dreams, or something that is unreal. Plato says it is difficult to go back down into the darkness after somebody has seen the light, but they must. They must educate the slaves about the world above, so the slaves understand that power is not the greater good. Even though it will be about ten times harder to readjust to the darkness after descending into the cave again they will see about ten times better, because now they know the shadows are not real. They will govern with knowledge of good and truth. I believe that the Allegory of the Cave simply states that we must question reality and we must not trust just what our eyes tell us. We must know more than just what the eyes see. The slave in the allegory that makes the ascent and eventually rejects the truth of the shadows comes to know a truer truth. But then they believe what their eyes show them that is on this world. They have forgotten that they must question reality, because how are they to know that this reality is realer than that of the caves’? Somebody may wonder what if we are the shadows in the cave. And who knows. It corresponds to having an imaginary friend when a person is younger. The imaginary friend is very real to whoever the befriended person is, but as the person gets older or makes the ascent to the world of knowledge, they will mostly likely reject their childhood imaginary friends. Everybody is faced with a different reality where they start to believe that what their eyes show them is the only truth. They forget to question things and don’t realize that maybe there is yet another ascent, out of this bigger â€Å"cave† of the light. It may be something that nobody will know about until they reach the point of ascent. Human beings’ knowledge of goodness, reality, and truth will forever be limited by their fear of new ideas and new perspectives. As long as people are afraid of questioning what they cannot see, they will be stuck, chained up as slaves who are trapped in the darkness of the unknown in their very own cave.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Critique: “My Boys Like Shootouts, What’s Wrong With That?”

â€Å"My Boys Like Shootouts. What's Wrong With That?† by Jonathan Turley (The Washington Post, 25 February 2007) discusses how parents are becoming increasingly against the play of toy-guns, and how such gun-paranoia will inhibit children's development. Turley, a professor at George Washington University, speaks against those negative attitudes and hopes to educate parents and fellow activists with regards to how toy weaponry contributes to children's development and emotional progress. In general, Turley portrays the image of a concerned father seemingly disgruntled at attitudes encountered from his personal experiences. The tone adopted is casual and the author's use of examples serve to reinforce his ideas and arguments. Turley claims that the allowance of gun play is not an idea which should be condemned and its impact exaggerated. He supports this claim by citing references concerning this topic giving toy guns credit for â€Å"channeling of aggression† (2007, Para 7) and amplifies the requisite to â€Å"distinguish between the two† with reference to â€Å"play† and â€Å"violence† (2007, Para 8). While Turley's sentiments do reflect some truth, this truth is belittled by the one-dimensionality of his discussion and lack of consideration of other concerns such as â€Å"encouraging aggressive behavior and violent attitudes† and â€Å"reinforcing gender stereotypes† (2007, Para 4). Part Two: Turley's arguments are logical but are discredited by their one-dimensionality as he does not accord sufficient discussion to other pertinent issues identified. There seems to be a lack of impartiality in the discussion as Turley is inclined to his own ideas. For instance, Turley used an example from his personal experience relating to his efforts to â€Å"avoid any gender stereotypes† (2007, Para 5) which did not strengthen his argument as he did not give depth to the point raised. Furthermore, the informal tone Turley used undermined the seriousness of the issue, and the example used was lacking as its scope cannot be reflective of an entire societal issue. Hence, Turley's ideas, though valid, are weakened as he fails to present a just, two-sided argument. The examples cited in the article succeed in substantiating Turley's arguments as they are quoted from several published sources with experience and the necessary expertise. These examples exemplify important ideas such as the use of toy weaponry as a form of catharsis for children â€Å"to make meaning of what they have experienced in life† (2007, Para 9) and â€Å"to be able to discharge their anger through symbolic play† (2007, Para 10). They also demonstrate the existing need for a certain degree of change in mindset with regards to allowing gun play. In that sense, Turley has succeeded in delivering his message pertaining to the necessity of such play in children's development. However, the impact may be contracted by his use of a casual tone in a matter of significance to his target audience. Turley clearly describes the importance of gun play in children's development and explains that such play is acceptable as long as â€Å"strict guidelines† (2007, Para 5) are imposed. He is considered to have achieved his intention as he cites useful and credible examples in substantiating his ideas. However, the casual tone adopted undermines the seriousness of the issue as despite it being a topic about play, it is one which parents and relevant groups view with significance. The lack of a balanced argument also weakens the ideas presented. Therefore, for an issue of societal scale, the scope covered by Turley may be too narrow.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Analysis of New York City in Martin Scorsese’s Essay

Among the stellar names in the film directing profession in the world, Martin Scorsese’s is most likely near or at the very top of the list—as bright as the city he has chosen to showcase in most of his career pieces. Using New York City as his backdrop, Scorsese has created landmark films that explore the intricacies of specific human qualities, tightly connected to themes of identity, religion, and psychology. Three of his films—Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, and Life Lessons—bear the distinct signature of an artist with an immediate message, which is clearly influenced by the dynamics of the inimitable lifestyle of New York City. A native of Flushing, New York, Martin Marcantonio Luciano Scorsese started planning his life as a priest—which is not at all surprising, considering his Italian and Catholic upbringing. However, he shifted goals at some point and graduated with a film degree from New York University in 1964, when he was twenty-two. Soon after that he became involved in film productions under the tutelage of several directors and producers, and finally emerged with his first notable feature film, Mean Streets (Brown, 1996). This particular work signaled the birth of Scorsese’s iconic style, which is defined by idiosyncratic characters and their internal struggles, marked by various circumstances exposing violence, racism, and oppression. Religious topics and details are also common in Scorsese’s work, which, in the past, received the ire of staunch religious groups. Scorsese is also known for building the careers or collaborating with specially-chosen actors, such as Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, and, in recent years, Leonardo DiCaprio. Each of these actors has starred in at least one iconic Scorsese film: De Niro and Keitel in Mean Streets and Taxi Driver, and DiCaprio in The Aviator and Gangs of New York. Common among most of these films is still the appropriation of New York City as the influential setting in playing out each character’s goal and dilemma. Credibility and accuracy in portraying the life inherent in New York City are integral in Scorsese’s work, and the nature of the city as a melting pot of cultures and its reputation for being the end goal of all personal ambition provide more than enough motivation and reason for the many twists and turns that take place in the characters’ minds and on the streets. II. Living the Gangster Life: The Italian Identity in Mean Streets One of the most definitive of New York City’s life and color is the presence of a multitude of cultures; this is largely caused by the representation of immigrants from all over the world, who have brought with them the distinct traditions and values of their countries of origin. The Italian community is mainly known for its influence on New York City cuisine, religion, and, as historically documented, organized crime in the form of the Mafia. Mean Streets is inherently Italian in identity, as it is set in New York’s Little Italy in the early 1970s—the territory and environment of most known Mafia-gangster groups. The portrayals of Charlie and his friend Johnny Boy—Keitel and De Niro, respectively—are excellent examples of life within the gangster reality, of non-negotiable orders, surprises and sudden decisions, the possibility of assault and instant death. This kind of life, however, is not always chosen by those who find themselves in it; Charlie, for one, lives by the dictates of family and religion, and refuses to take a stand on anything—even if he is plagued by his own guilt. Johnny Boy, on the other hand, is the quintessential gangster, the product of family legacy and history and his pleasure in romanticizing violence and aggression. These two personas reveal some of the most prevalent yet opposing attitudes regarding life in New York City—the struggle to accept a predetermined career, and the assertion of identity based on others’ experience. New York City is indeed a complex mixture of culture and identity, and these are often appropriated by those who desire to make their voices heard in the din of success, failure, and everything else in between. Religion, ethnicity, family, and other inherent traits that contribute to create an identity that can set one apart from the faceless rest are apparent means for survival, which is essential in the midst of such an unforgiving address. III. Left Alone and Unnoticed: Idealism, Racism, and Violence in Taxi Driver De Niro’s portrayal of Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver symbolizes the outcome of a person left to survive on his own in the complicated maze that is New York City in the mid-1970s. What begins as a man with fervent dreams of success and fulfillment in the capital of realized wishes can end in cynicism, hopelessness, and despair. Idealism sets the pace for the ultimate acts of violence and racism, played out by succeeding episodes of rejection and perceived injustice—specifically in the context of sex and acceptance. Bickle’s downward spiral into madness is caused by his own set of values, which includes his idealization of women, superiority of race, and self-entitlement coming from the war experience. Finding himself in a world where he is rejected by a woman he admires, where immorality and child prostitution exists, and where blacks are shown to call the shots through violence and extortion, are enough to shape Bickle’s concept of reality and purpose. Ultimately, he decides to take matters into his own hands, in a defining act that finally pronounces his voice and presence. Rejection and disappointment are part of the New York City lifestyle, given the constant struggle and competition naturally occurring within such a lucrative environment. Likewise, the reality of prostitution and other forms of immorality are necessary effects of the ongoing tests of one’s desired fate, since negation and failure will always need a stopgap measure and means for release or revenge. This complicated economy may not always be easy to comprehend, much less seen as one’s way of life; that Bickle is established with traits akin to surreal idealism makes New York City a symbol of both fulfilled dreams and unrealized goals. Bickle’s persona is common among many who have decided to find their success in the city yet is only armed with traditional ideals of morality, justice, and equality. Race is an evident issue, particularly if it figures in the equation of opportunity and chances for success; blacks, to the white Bickle, represents all things he finds wrong in the city. Finding people of a different set of morals is also a trigger for Bickle’s downfall, since he finds himself unable to impose his own ideals on them. New York City is shown here in its element, with the images of political action and objective during the day and graphic evidences of violence and the sex trade at night. These two pictures of the city plainly show that it is not for the weak, nor for the idealistic; what is essential is toughness and open-mindedness in order to understand the nature of New York City as a place where everything can and will happen. IV. The Master and the Servant: Creativity and Political Economy in â€Å"Life Lessons† This installment in the bigger project that is New York Stories is Scorsese’s contribution to the collective efforts made with fellow film icons Francis Ford Coppola and Woody Allen. â€Å"Life Lessons† is a simple story about artist Lionel Dobie, played by Nick Nolte, and his lover/apprentice Paulette, portrayed by Rosanna Arquette, who both engage in the literal and figurative significance of a two-way relationship. Dobie, being a famous abstract artist, imparts his knowledge, skill, and social connections to Paulette, who in turn repays him by serving as his muse and sex partner. Their relationship comes to a turning point when Paulette decides to move on and see other men, which causes Dobie to become insanely jealous. But it is this jealousy that eventually drives him to create his best work, and thus he forces Paulette to stay with him by selling her on the idea that New York City is the only place for an aspiring artist like herself. Evidently, Dobie lives on his negative emotions to survive, and has done exactly the same in his past relationships. In the end, Paulette makes good with her original decision and leaves, and soon Dobie is shown meeting another young female artist whom he convinces to become his new apprentice. This scene is shown with much sexual connotation, leaving the viewer to conclude that Dobie has once more found his muse. Art is never just for art’s sake in New York City; while some of the best minds are indeed residents of the locale, the competitive conditions and social norms that define it are also necessary factors to consider in appraising one’s success. Talent is never just the sole requirement in making it big in New York City, mainly because of the sheer number of individuals of excellent gifts trying to make names for themselves. Thus this brings about the reality and importance of social connection and status; in order to succeed in a place abound with skill and opportunity, one must look beyond the singular benefit of talent and employ all possible elements that can directly or indirectly help realize his or her goal. In this kind of situation, not everyone asked to assist will want to do so without claiming anything back—after all, the brand of opportunity existing in New York City is essentially available whenever and wherever one sees fit to call it forth. Intrinsically, New York City is probably the one significant environment where making and dealing transactions is the name of the game; to participate, one must have something to sell and/or buy. V. Conclusion Martin Scorsese’s depiction of New York City in the three films mentioned is, quite understandably, based on his own perceptions and experiences. These bases, however, are truly authentic and real—enough to convey a significant concept of New York City, as well as its nuances. The appropriation of identity in Mean Streets, idealism in Taxi Driver, and creativity in â€Å"Life Lessons† is truly apt and relevant, considering that these three themes are probably the most prevalent notions that define the city, albeit taken to each theme’s extremes. New York City may result in an assertion of identity or its eventual loss, depending on a person’s chosen path or decisions. It could progress the concept of idealism to its highest degree, particularly when success is met and values are replicated, yet it could also result in the erosion of idealist thinking, if all experiences are negative and disappointing. Lastly, the New York City experience can stimulate one’s creativity, since it is the one of the world’s capitals of art, yet can also diffuse the fire that burns one’s passion, if the right connections and exposure are not met. Nothing can be simply in the middle ground with regard to life in this city, as most things either fulfill or destroy existing beliefs and objectives. New York City is truly an enigma, a place that exists both in the mind and in its physical sense; while these two spaces may not always have the same traits or premises, the fact remains that it is an aspiration, where one should ‘make it’. Scorsese’s attempts at putting together a credible representation of New York City is laudable, but in truth, many more interpretations are still waiting to be conveyed. Such is the meaning of convergence, where anything and everything is possible. References Brown, M. (1996). â€Å"Martin Scorsese†. God Among Directors. Accessed on 10 April 2009 from http://www. godamongdirectors. com/scorsese/index. shtml Scorsese, M. (dir. ) (1989). â€Å"Life Lessons†. New York Stories. Touchstone Pictures (1973). Mean Streets. Taplin-Perry-Scorsese Productions. (1976). Taxi Driver. Bill/Phillips.

The Glass Menagerie and the two different worlds (reality and fiction) Research Paper

The Glass Menagerie and the two different worlds (reality and fiction) - Research Paper Example Laura is enrolled in a business school in order to start establishing her own life, but due to shyness, she drops out of school and secretly spends her time wandering in the city (Oliveira 1).Tom, who dislikes his shoe warehouse jobs, finds solace in alcohol, movies and literature. This surprised his mother (Oliveira 1).Amanda and Tom plot to get Laura a suitor at the warehouse, and Tom chooses Jim O’Connor who is his casual friend. A dinner is organized for Laura to meet Jim (Oliveira 1). Just before the dinner, Laura discovers that Jim, whom she had a crash on while in high school, is the suitor. Laura however refuses to eat dinner with the family and Jim and pretends she is ill (Kolin 66). Amanda, who was dressed in her youthful dress, ends up talking with Jim throughout the meal. Later after the dinner though, Laura opens up and confesses to Jim that she had a crash on him in high school(Oliveira 1).Jim reproaches her for being shy and having low self-esteem but also prais es her for being unique. Jim mentions that he has to leave and see his fiancà ©e (Kolin 34). It is therefore discovered that he is engaged. This leaves Amanda and Laura sad, and they blame Tom for not being attentive and for being selfish dreamer, because he is the one who brought Jim (Oliveira 2).Not long after Jim had visited, Tom gets fired from his shoe ware house job and leaves his home. As he travels, years later, he finds it very hard to forget and leave behind guilt memories of Laura (Kolin 23). Tennessee Williams, author of the play struggled with homosexuality which made him feel like an outsider in his society. This and other experiences made him feel empathetic to vulnerable people of the society (Oliveira 2).This play presents similarities between the dysfunctional Williams family and the play’s family, the Wingfield family. There are similarities between the fictional Wingfield family and Tennessee Williams’s own family (Kolin 23). The Glass

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fmcg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fmcg - Essay Example Avon as a band in general has seen its brand value collapse as its market performance has tanked in recent years, leading to a corrosion in the overall prestige and desirability of the company and its products (Kowitt 2012). There are many things that contributed to the failure of the brand and many of its products, among them failure in strategy and in marketing, and in terms of being able to adopt and execute on a comprehensive social media strategy. As late as 2012 it did not have an effective strategy to leverage the strengths of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as other online media tools such as blogs. This is part of a bigger problem with regard to making the Avon brand relevant to consumers in general. This is true in the United Kingdom and in many other key markets in the West as well. With Avon’s product, the key sales channel had been direct sales, and in the age of the Internet and social media, the company has failed to make its direct selling model relevant. While there are no breakdowns of sales for the Goddess Eau de Parfum sales, it is clear that its many negative reviews puts it at the bottom in terms of sales performance for individual products (Glazer 2012; Carrillo 2014). Botanicals (2014). Natural Moisturizers: nourishing face moisturizer: rose and camella. [online]. Available at: [accessed 10/12/2014]. Carrillo, S. (2014). 11 Best Avon Products- and the 4 Worst: No. 4: Avon Goddess Eau de Parfum Spray, $22.50. [online]. Available at: [accessed 10/12/2014]. Glazer, E. (2012). Avon is Late to the Social Media’s Party. Wall Street Journal [online]. Available at: [accessed 10/12/2014]. Procter & Gamble (2014). BB & C Cream: Regenerist CC Cream Light.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Films and the rating system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Films and the rating system - Essay Example But have you ever wondered what differentiates or rather categorize these movies apart from the storyline, filmmakers, studios and cast? Have you ever thought as a common man, whether a particular movie is suitable for their kids? Or how do you decide, whether the content of a particular movie is viewable for all? Here comes the importance of ratings. Now, when I say ratings, it does not have anything to do with the critics’ ratings or the reviews. By issuing a rating, the body which issues these ratings seeks to inform parents of the level of certain aspects and contents found in a particular movie. It may include certain level of violence, sex, drugs, language, thematic material, adult activities, etc. that are not suitable for all kinds of viewers. Despite all the strict norms for rating a movie based on these conditions, most big budget films get away with the adult contents and get rated as either PG or PG 13 even when they exhibit contents that can actually rate them as R. It is also a sad fact that the low profile and low budget movies get hard rated even when they don’t deserve such ratings. This paper makes an analysis of why big budget movies get away with the adult content compared to the strict rating exercised on low profile movies. In addition to this, a brief explanation of the rating system and its evolution is also covered through. Rating System and Transition Evolution and Transition: It was in 1922 that the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) started issuing ratings for motion pictures. MPAA is a voluntary system. As such not all movies are rated by them. Movies that are submitted to MPAA for ratings get through the process. Since it is a voluntary system it is not enforced by law, however, almost all the movie theatres will not screen an unrated domestic films and most of the big gun studios have come to a consensus that it would submit all its titles for ratings before the theatrical release. A lack of a uniform body to rate movies affected the filmmakers prior to establishment of MPAA; this led to the formation of MPAA in 1922. MPAA rated the movies based on a general production code administration which was popularly known as, ‘The Hays Code.’ It was a strict and stringent rating system, due to which it lost its prominence in 1966. It was the time when America was open to ‘Frankness and Openness.’ In 1968, came the new rating system which we follow till today. The new system was developed not to approve or reject a motion picture. Instead of this, an independent ratings body would advise or warn the parents to let them know if they are suitable for their children. â€Å"It’s the parents’ discretion whether to allow them to watch the movie or not.† (Soriano, 2011) Even this system was 100% voluntary. The ratings are done by an independent board comprising of parents who have no past affiliation to the movie business whatsoever. The board will compr ise of 8 to 13 parents whose kids fall into the age group of 5-17. â€Å"Their job was to simply rate the motion pictures as they believe a majority of American parents would rate it.† (MPAA, 2011) Ratings: A movie is rated by MPAA based on factors such as language, sex, violence, drug usage and certain other themes and situations which they believe would be of significant concern to most parents. The different types of ratings are G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17. ‘G’ stands for ‘

Friday, July 26, 2019

EXPENDITURE ON MOBILE PHONES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EXPENDITURE ON MOBILE PHONES - Essay Example rates and tariff. The behavioural pattern is more obvious in groups of consumers than in individual consumers. The mobile phone market is expected to grow by 2% in retail volume compared to its review period which witnessed a 40% growth in the earlier period. Owing to the already high penetration rate of mobile phones in the household sector which accounts for 261% in 2013, the future CAGR of the mobile phone market is expected to remain low. Australia experienced a high penetration rate in mobile phone usage. The household penetration of mobile phones grew owing to the rise of smart phones. Consumers in Australia had the tendency to retain the old phones for spare use. This also led to the high penetration rate of mobile phone usage. This trend was observed more in case of simple mobile phones, but in case of smart phones the scenario was different. Smart phones were evolving at a high rate and consumers were less inclined to retain it for spare use as it failed to match the superior performance and feature of the new smart phones. This led to the drop in the penetration rate of smart phone in the Australian market. The penetration rate dropped from 86% in 2010 to 33% in 2013. Samsung retained its leader position in the smart phone market in Australia with more than 32% retail market share. 1 The smart phone market in US has shown significant growth owing to the existence of low value contracts of older models of smart phones. The total shipping value in units for smart phones accounted for 134 million units in 2014. It witnessed an annual growth rate of 9% in the smart phone market in 2013 and an absolute growth rate of 37% from 2008 to 2013. The smart phone industry in US has observed the shift more in case of low priced phones than high value phones. The key focus was on volume and not on value. This was mainly observed when retailers in US offered smart phones for a contract of less than $200 for two years. The older version of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Outsourcing prisoners to other countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Outsourcing prisoners to other countries - Essay Example Outsourcing typically refers to contracting out a range of public services and/or responsibilities to other private organizations or entities in order to achieve different types of benefits such as correctional expenditures, reduce costs, reduce crime, improve law and order, and achieve other types of correctional measures. From the perspective of criminology, according to the National Council on Crime and Delinquency indicated that the practice of state and local correctional agencies contracting with private entities for medical, mental health, educational, food services, maintenance and administrative office security functions have shown significant rise; notably, the correctional agency maintains control over policy decisions and the quality of service provided by the private agency, using a monitor to maintain policy control and management of the private facility (Price, 2006). The most significant reasons for outsourcing parts of work or entire work to other units are reduced costs and increased profits along with improved efficiency in yield. Williamson’s (1975) analysis indicated that independent, competing service providers are potentially more economical and innovative than captive workers (cited in Mahoney, 2005; p.72). Besides these, work and services obtained from prisoners is said to be beneficial for taxpayers by reducing recidivism and promoting social duty to help criminals return to the society, with the use of cheap labor (Hollis, 2008). Overall, it can be concluded that outsourcing prisoners to other locations/countries cannot be equated with outsourcing of other services owing to the potential disastrous impact that outweighs its intended advantages.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business Paper (1750 words) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Paper (1750 words) - Essay Example This helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice by equipping them with practical skills (Lowden, 2011). How then did the LIAISE business simulation provide me with an opportunity to develop my business strategy skills, marketing skills, financial management skills, team effectiveness as well as the acquisition of graduate employability attributes which make me a preferable candidate to work as a marketing manager in your Electronic Company? A business strategy is defined as a means through which businesses set out to accomplish their set objectives by carefully allocating resources in different departments. The choice and execution of a business strategy depends on its core business and the scope of its operations (Johnson et al, 2005). For example, the LIAISE business simulation’s scope was to source products from suppliers and then market them to the customers with a view of attaining a huge market share with high income customer base through brand expansion and increasing supply routes from various manufacturers. During this simulation programme, I learnt that there are several types of business strategies that can be pursued by businesses to achieve their goals. One of the most sought strategy that is applicable in LIAISE business simulation is growth. When a business is interested in expanding its operation to achieve a greater market share, there is need to allocate time, money and human resources for development of new products, venturing into markets, as well as investing in new businesses. Competitive advantage is also a vital business strategy as it ensures that a business is able to survive its rivals, not by copying their products, brands and strategies, but by effectively competing with them. A business can attain competitive advantage by selling products at relatively lower price than the competitors (Gary et al, 2008). However, this strategy requires that the business grow to a certain margin so that the company can enjoy

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Essay

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of al - Essay Example The Trinity denotes the unity of the Godhead as one Being but having three Persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity apart from being the central doctrine of the Catholic Church, also holds an important place in the history of the Christian Church as a whole. In the Council of Nicaea (325 AD) the matter of the Trinity was reaffirmed by the Church as the fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith, hence rejecting the teachings of Arianism that held that since Jesus was begotten of the Father, He is not of equal status in divinity but was a created being. Arianism also held that since Jesus was created, He was not co-eternal with the Father. The Athanasian creed that proceeded from the decision of the Council of Nicaea affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity. It succinctly states in its relevant part thus: â€Å"And the Catholic Faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity. Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost is all One, the Glory Equal, the Majesty Co-Eternal.† Though the word ‘Trinity’ does not appear in the Bible, the doctrine of the Trinity is based on biblical provisions both in the New Testament and the Old Testament. Perhaps, the clearest reference to the doctrine of the Trinity in scripture can be found in Matthew 28:19 â€Å"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit†. The Old Testament gives a glimpse of the doctrine of the Trinity in Genesis 1:26 – â€Å"Then God said, â€Å"Let Us make man in Our image†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  and in Genesis 11:6-7 â€Å"And the Lord said, †¦ â€Å"Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The singularity of the Godhead is made

Economics P3 Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economics P3 Assignment - Essay Example Short-Term Interest Rates In most cases, the Federal Reserve use either contractionary or expansionary money policy to influence the short-term interest rates of fund. In a contractionary period, there is a higher level of short-term interest rate as shown in the figure below this means that the banks will avoid borrowing money from the Federal Reserve banks as they keep their reserves at the authorized level. As a result, the banking institutions will change a higher rate as it lends less money out, because they are borrowing money at a higher rate thus, loans become expensive, and the economy slows down. In addition, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) issue trading on the open market operations as it promises higher returns on interest rates reduces the quantity of money supply (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2012). When the Fed uses the expansionary monetary policy, the interest rates fall leading to cheaper interests rates and banks consequently borrow mo re funds from the Federal Reserve banks to maintain their reserve requirement rate. At this point, the open market operations that were bought earlier from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) are sold at a higher interest rate leading to increase in money supply in the economy. (Mankiw, 2012) Foreign Exchange Rates Just like, local exchange rates that are affected by the monetary policy tools, the foreign exchange rates are also affected. As a result, conventional monetary policy that are implemented by the Federal reserve has a greater influence on the exchange rate as foreign exchange interventions take place to control the economy's demand and supply of money (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2012). As a result, contractionary monetary policy implementation by the Federal Reserve creates shocks in the economy, as it allows the foreign exchange rate to appreciate for a shorter period and thereafter, the exchange rate depreciates with time to its original leve l. Long-Term Interest Rates More than often, the Federal Reserve decision to use the tools of monetary policy affects long-term interest rates in the economy. Depending on Fed uses, contractionary and expansionary monetary policies the effects will be realized in the long-term interest rate (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2012). With an increase in the discount rate, reserve requirement and open market operations, the long-term interest rates will increase over time. This is because, banking institutions will have less funds as compared their reserve requirement to lend out to its customers with the ever-increasing long-term interest rate. However, expansionary monetary rate increases the money supply as the interest rate reduces and increased credit is widely available leading to lower long-term interest rate. As a result, the demand for money increases leading to more investments. The Amount of Money and Credit in the System In most instances, the Federal Reserv e uses the tools of monetary policy to influence the availability and cost of money and credit in its economy. As a way of tightening money supply and credit availability, the Federal Open Market Committee FOMC directs the New York stock exchange to sell government securities (Mankiw, 2012). As a result, it collects funds from the public and collect payments through the banks by reducing their reserve account in the main Federal Reserve Bank. In the end, banks have less money to lend to its customer

Monday, July 22, 2019

Christmas - 8th Grade Expository Example Essay Example for Free

Christmas 8th Grade Expository Example Essay â€Å"City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style†¦ In the air, there’s a feeling of Christmas†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My favorite holiday has always been Christmas. I love everything about it! One of the best things about Christmastime is that we get such a long time off from school. In addition to that, my family flies back home to Pennsylvania in December, so we always get to see snow. We also spend time with family and friends playing games and exchanging gifts, which is always a lot of fun. Of all the holidays, I think Christmas is the best! Towards the end of December, we all really need a break, and Christmas Break comes at just the right time, lasting just over two weeks! It’s so nice to have off from school at a time when there’s great holiday music on the radio and great sales in all the stores. Not to mention the fantastic foods filling my plate as I go to all the holiday get-togethers. I don’t like too many gatherings, though, sometimes I just like to rest. I try to spend most of my time on the long break relaxing and enjoying family. Speaking of family, I get to fly back home to Pennsylvania over Christmas Break to visit my relatives. It is always snowy in Pennsylvania in December, so that’s an exciting part our vacation for my sister and me. We go to my cousins’ house and ride four wheelers in the snow, pulling inner tubes behind them. Our parents usually get some great videos of us playing in the snow. Last year we stayed outside so long in a snowstorm, that our hair was caked with snow by the time we came in! It looked like we had white dreadlocks! It is always so fun having adventures with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents back home in Pennsylvania. In addition to all of our snowy adventures, we also spend lots of time indoors with famil y and friends playing games and exchanging gifts. My grandma buys tons of little gifts – mostly candy and dollar store items, but a few nice things, too – that she wraps up and uses as prizes in a game that the whole family plays. There are about twenty of us sitting around her long dining room table, and we roll dice for about two minutes. Whenever anyone rolls doubles, they get to take a present. When all the presents are gone, but there’s still time on the clock, you get to steal someone else’s present! It’s kind of hard to explain, but it’s the most fun our family has at the holidays. Spending time with all of my family over Christmas Break is a great time that is very special to me†¦and getting little gifts is an added bonus! Just like most people I know, I think Christmas is the best holiday ever! Having such a long time off from school is a much-needed break in the middle of the school year. Because the break is so long, my family can fit in time to fly back home to Pennsylvania to have some fun playing in the snow. The fun continues indoors with family games and gifts, always a highlight of the vacation. This vacation is something I look forward to all year round. Christmas brings me so much happiness†¦just like those Silver Bells. â€Å"Ring-a-ling†¦.Hear them ring†¦ Soon it will be Christmas Day.†

Sunday, July 21, 2019


UNICEF, UNESCO and MDGs UNICEF The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) is a world organization that works to secure all Right of the Child. It counts to solve most of problems related to children such as poverty, education, violence, disease, and discrimination. Moreover, it also works to spread the Right of Child in many countries to ensure that every child can have proper life as other people. It has authority to effect every government to act on any problems related to children. UNICEF believes that their action can give all children the best start in lives so that they all can have better future. Some countries in the world still have bad culture that not allow girl go to school. In this case, UNICEF plays very important roles that help promote girls education to ensure that they can at least complete primary school. To help them can attend schools, they will be able to be better citizens, and better parents to their societies and families. It also works to protect children from getting common childhood dis ease so that they can enjoy living their lives longer. Furthermore, UNICEF works to prevent children from getting spreading disease HIV/AIDS. In doing so, children and their families can live happily. Also, it keeps children living in protective environment that they will not suffer from violence, abuse, and exploitation. Last but not least, UNICEF also acts to ensure that there will be no discrimination against women and girls. There will be gender balance in every work society and school. To sum up, UNICEF acts to ensure that all young people can live in proper lives and can prevent from any kinds of exploitation. UNESCO United Nation Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) works to create the environment for discussion between society, cultures and peoples, based upon value for generally to share. Throughout this discussion the world can accomplish worldwide visions of sustainable development surrounding execution of human right, mutual respect and the improvement of poverty. The main objective of UNESCO is to make international society agree all the goals of development goals that include the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Also, the major programs of UNESCO to deal with are education, natural science, social and human science, culture, communication and information. It does not only act in these programs but there are still many special programs that it acts on. Moreover, the main mission of UNESCO is work to contribute to the building of peace, the alleviation of poverty, sustainable development and cross-cultural dialogue through the main programs of UNESCO. The global pr iorities that this organization focuses on are Africa and gender equality. The Millennium Development Goals The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is the response of the United Nation to deal with eight global issues the most developing countries meet nowadays. The MDGs is created to achieve eight anti-poverty goals by 2015 as the target. All member states of the United Nation must adopt the Millennium Development Goals to reduce poverty. Cambodia has adapted the MDGs since 2003 in believing that it could bring more development in the country. There are only eight anti-poverty goals but Cambodia has nine goals that include: eradicate the extreme hunger and poverty, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases, ensue environmental, and de-mining, UXO, and victims assistance. II. Cause and Effect of Child who do not attend school Cambodia fell into the civil wars in a few decades that cause Cambodias society full of problems. Because Cambodia is still a developing country, there are still many problems with children and education. Actually, in the world of today, knowledge and education are really crucial for people in general as a concept to live in a fast-changing world. Therefore, school is the best place to educate them. Cause of Child not going to school Family Most Childs who do not complete school do so because of family problems. Some parents are not interested in education and do not support their children in studying. In addition, they use their childrens effort and value time to earn money to fill the family necessity. In this generation, children should be in school, not at work. To speak frankly, it is not the parents fault at all; sometimes this situation is compelled to occur owning to the poverty in the developing country; hence, they cannot afford money for children to go to school punctually. Concerning the family problem, it affects on their children decide not attend school. The other reason is work pressure. Some families are poor and need their children to work in order to increase the income. Anyway, some Childs are in charge of household chore. Every day they have to complete their duties in advance before coming to school. It looks pitiful that they do not have enough time to concentrate on their study. Society Society is also included as a source of not going to school of Childs. In some schools, there are still some corruptions that illegally charge money for registering for their studies. Also, some teachers charge too much money for extra classes that is the reason why some Childs cannot pay. Moreover, there are still not enough schools in Cambodia, especially in rural areas. Moreover, if there is a school in that area, there are still many families that live far away from that school; consequently, Childs who live far away from school still cannot attend school. Effect of Child not going to schools Childs themselves Even though some Childs skip school to do something good else, it still has bad effects on their lives. Firstly, they will lack of knowledge and a critical thinking to challenge in life. They will not be qualified to apply for a good job in the job market. If possible, they just take on hard work that cannot earn their own living properly. This kind of work not only offers a low wage but a hard working one, so they still survive under the poverty line. Additionally, they easily suffer from exploitation and trafficking by different ways. The other negative effect is that they will imitate a foreign culture unconsciously. Cambodia culture will face the losing of its own identity. Why so? In general, school is a place where they teach Childs to know and maintain those valuable cultures since Khmer ancestors made up many centuries ago. If Childs do not complete their obligation to attend school and are not interested in these, they will accept the foreign culture quickly. It is very dangerous that people in one nation dont know about their culture. Society Not going to school also has negative effects on society. Obviously, children who do not attend school usually become street children that could make the society disorder and messy. With regards to the not attending school children, Child themselves will become a low-educated person. The ignorance brings the society some disasters in the following. The social economic will fall down because of lack of human resources to work. Some people are easily cheated by foreigners and foreign culture may come into the society with no choice. Most significantly, identity of the country will be kept in one place and the whole country easily fall into a colony of foreigners. Ignorance also brings a disease and poverty to the country. It can be concluded that the ignorance from not going to school is a darkness covering everything and is a hindrance and a big danger to proceed with development of the country. III. Action of UNICEF, UNESCO, and the MDGs in Cambodia UNICEF is not working alone with children in Cambodia, but there is cooperation with the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to create a program called the Country Program of Cooperation (CPC). The CPC deals with a broad range of issues affecting children such as child survival, early childhood care and development, formal and non-formal education for all ages, HIV/AIDS, and special protection issues. Through the CPC, UNICEF significantly contributes to policies in all major social factors, formulation of national legislation, especially child protection, health and education. The main program that UNICEF works on education of children in the field is known as Seth Koma (Rights of Child). This program has been enthusiastically taken up in 700 villages in six rural provinces across Cambodia. UNICEFs child rights program works with rural communities to build pre-schools that provide children with a safe learning environment and provide literacy classes mostly for young women, including access to clean water and latrines. Also, it is helping children to enroll in primary schools at appropriate ages. The support consisted in training volunteer teachers, providing teaching materials and controlling by technical staff from the provincial and district level. Supported by UNICEF, the primary school in rural areas, where girls had achieved a pass rate of 91 percents in 2008 is a good result of UNICEFs work. Seth Koma is empowering communities to build better lives for their children. Since this program has implemented in Cambodia, it has assisted about 900 pre-schools in six provinces in rural areas that could help bringing early education to about 20,000 children. Similarly, UNESCO is not working directly in the field of education in Cambodia. Most programs of UNESCO are directly executed by different ministry and government agencies such as Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports. In the field of education, UNESCO works as Deputy Chair of the Education Sector Working Group (ESWG) in donor coordination to maximize the donor to support all basic programs in Cambodia that provides technical assistance to the MoEYS to identify strategies and resources to help achieve the Education for All. Moreover, UNESCO has taken active role to support all areas of education with special objectives on Early Childhood Care and Education, Basic Education, Teacher quality and Status improving, Literacy and Non-formal Education. In addition, UNESCO has contributed to the on-going education reform by identifying and adapting actions to the local needs. This capacity has been processed to enhance the use of Information and Communication Technologies in second and h igher education to reform the Technical and Vocational Education and Training which can reduce the gap of youth and the labor market. With the support of UNESCO, there has been initial progress for improving access all levels of education. It helps to reduce the percentages of incomplete schools from 21 percents in school year 2007/2008 to 18 percents in school year 2008/2009 and helps to deploy 95 percents of newly trained teacher to under staffed schools and in remote areas. The total enrolments of pre-school grew from 72,224 children (35,929 girls) in school year 2003/2004 to 79,585 children (40,013 girls) in school year 2007/2008. According to UNESO Institute of Statistic, primary enrolment increased by 15 percents. MoEYS has been getting about 350,000 children into school every year that they are mostly girls in rural areas and children from poor families; consequently, primary school net has increased from 77.8 percents in 1997/1998 to 83.8 percents in 2000/2001 and to 93.3 pe rcents in 2007/2008 which shows that children are really encouraged to attend school both boys and girls. For secondary schools, the net enrolment has grown from 27 percents in 2000/2001 to 63.6 percent in 2007/2008. While the Cambodia Millennium Development Goals have to reach a target at 2015, the target of education is the most important one that it is a foundation for all other development goals. However, recent statistics illustrates that for every 100 boys out of school, there are still 117 girls in the same situation. Also, millions of children will continue to die needlessly, which keeps the rest of the process of development of other goals at risk. If Cambodia can meet the Education Goal, the other goals will booth process toward every other Millennium Goal. By educating children helps the level of poverty reduce and promote gender equality. It is linked to Goal 3, gender parity, as the primary education by definition requires gender parity. Furthermore, free primary school for all children is a high commitment of the governments under the 1989 Convention of the Rights of the Child. IV. Challenges To improve the education sector in Cambodia, UNICEF, UNESCO, and royal government of Cambodia have cooperated intensively. However, there are many challenges that the education sector cannot improve much. First, the challenge is because of the Cambodia governance. The education system in Cambodia is very poor that is absence of education quality and trained staff, corruption, and lack of moral of low-wages teachers. The low wage of teaching have forced teachers who lack of moral to create informal classes or extra classes that require students to pay more for those classes, and it is a burden for all poor students. Moreover, students who cannot afford to study in informal classes may face to fail their examinations in classes, repeat grades, or drop out of schools. Although the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports forbidden teachers to form informal classes for own fees, we can still see the practice of collecting fees from students. According to the Times Higher Education Supple ment said that, Cambodian students have long admitted that examinations go hand in hand with money. It still costs around US $2,000 or $3,000 for someone to get into a school of law. Hence, there is high corruption in education in Cambodia from the low level. Because of the growing corruption in education, there are many concerns about student who do not know anything can pass exams to enter universities. Although the figure point out that, students who enroll for universities increase, we still cannot guarantee that the education system in Cambodia has improved. This is the main point that the government should deal as soon as possible. Second, the government is worried whether Cambodia can achieve the CMDGs by 2015. According to the government of Cambodia said, Cambodia will not be able to achieve the CMDGs by 2015 unless its national efforts are strengthened all support. Then Cambodia would fall far behind other developing countries in Asia and Africa that can be widening social and economic disparities in the region. Hence, it is very important to work out to address Cambodias challenges. Another major concern of Cambodia government towards CMDGs is the existing of high percentage of over-aged children stuck up in the primary level, and the issue of reducing the gap between boys and girls in basic education since the performance in 2006 show big shortfalls of the target, especially in lower secondary education. Another challenge is that, since the country is poor; hence, the physical infrastructure is also poor that make it more difficult to build schools in remote areas and border areas. Furthermore, they only offer a macro level perspective which does not reflect the much lower enrolment rates that are reported in remote areas among disadvantages groups, including children with disabilities, the very poor and ethnic minorities, said the government. In short, there are many obstacles that Cambodia faces in dealing with the improvement of education system. V. Conclusion As the previous parts already mentioned about what are role of UNICEF, UNESCO, and the MDGs in Cambodia, we all know the benefits of these organizations and this policy to Cambodia. Since Cambodia is still a poor country, the government does have enough capacities to provide education to all people and to all levels of education. Talking about UNICEF, without it, perhaps most of young Cambodians who live in rural or remote areas still cannot have chance to attend school. As mentioned, the main program of UNICEF in Cambodia is Seth Koma that provide schools with safe environment in about 700 villages of six provinces. Because of building schools and the encouragement of this organization make more students enroll for education in both early age and teenagers. And the numbers of students enroll for education is increasing dramatically in the provinces that UNICEF has taken action in. Similarly, with the help from UNESCO, Cambodia enables to improve education system. This organization w orks as useful tool for Cambodia in finding budget to support the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports to provide education to all Cambodia. Moreover, it brings advance technology to education in second and higher education that can make more children clear about study and work. By doing this, it helps to reduce the gaps of youth and labor markets. The actions of this organization are very necessary to Cambodia that it can motivate more students to complete the education degree and can push up the numbers of students enroll for education in all levels. Surprisingly, the numbers of female students is also increasing significantly, not only male students. Talking the MDGs in Cambodia, with the help of UNESCO in finding fund to support the MDGs in Cambodia, the government of Cambodia will enable to meet the requirements by 2015 as they have planned. Even though there are many challenges that these organization faced, the action of them still provide a lot of benefit to education se ctor in Cambodia. Compare to without the actions of these organizations, the education sector will not be improved that fast. All in all, UNICEF, UNESCO, the MDGs provide many advantages to Cambodian society.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

College Life Essay -- Personal Narratives Education Essays

College Life A new experience, a change from the norm, looking out for myself, and living on my own: for me this is college. The transition of high school student to college seemed immensely overwhelming and even a bit scary. The shift opened a can of worms and created challenges, both good and bad, behind every corner. Due to the change of scene, I am now dealing with the everyday acceptance of the greater world around me: the town, the people and my new life. Graduation: the last day that I would unwillingly set foot on the fields of Horizon High School. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, and tried so hard to keep my feet moving one after the other in order to maintain my perfect stature. After the two hour wait of opening speeches, class songs, and the calling off of the five hundred plus names that were in front of me, it was finally my turn. As my row stood up and we walked towards the stage it had set in at last, this is it, I am done. My high school career ended on that night, but it didn’t close the book that is my life, it only started a new chapter, and with it came a whole slue of uncertainties. I had to ask myself, â€Å"What’s next?† The only thing that I could think of was the rest of my life, and college would start the rest of my life. With college being this important I knew that every decision that I made would affect my life in some way, and this did anything but calm my nerves. I then had the next three months to prepare for this step in my life. Once again I was a little rattled by this notion. So for the summer I prepared whenever I got a chance. I picked up bedding and storage, my roommate and I made sure that we had all of the necessary appliances (i.e. refrigerator, TV... ...t the strange thing was that it wasn’t my cocoon of a home that I missed. I had created a new life in the few short weeks that I had lived in Flagstaff. I found a family in the friends that I made, and wanted to see them again, ask them about their weekends and simply make sure that everything that I made was still there. My fears although real and still there, be it below the surface, are truly leaving. I never thought that I could feel safe and comfortable outside of the nice cushy box that I made for my self in the previous chapter of my life, but I stepped out. I ventured farther than anyone else in my family ever had gone. I have conquered my anxiety, or at least pushed it back for a while. I have faced my challenges of being out on my own, and maybe even created a few more that I cannot see yet on the horizon, but for now I am making it on my own.

Essay --

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter presents the problem statements, objective of the study, theoretical framework, significant of the study, and scope of the study. According to William J. Stanton, the definition if advertisement is consist of activities involved in presenting to an audience a non-personal, paid-for message about a product or organization. Advertising is used to communicate with the present and potential customers. Advertisement is a non personal communication because the communication involved in mass media. The advertisement provides information about the firm, product’s qualities, and place of availability of the product. The information should be complete and true. Advertisement is essential for both the sellers and buyers. In the modern age of production, the manager can push the sale of their product increase with great advertisement. Every firm has advertising that need to tough competition in the market and adapt the fast changes with the new technology to gain more custome rs. A good advertisement involves creativity and high imagination that matches the expectation of the customers. According to World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the meaning of health is a state of a complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health advertisement was done to persuade people to more concern about health and buy product that give benefit on their health. 1.1 Problem statement Health advertisement gives impacts on customer purchasing behavior. The impact of the advertisements is more on television than the print media or radio. The problem is nowadays marketers neglect the important role of health advertisement on buying pattern of cus... ...n they watch the health advertisement. This helps the industry to make the advertisement more attractive and make the customer remember the advertisement. When the advertisement was successfully, the customer would like to buy and try the new product. Then the customer will aware of this product and the sale of the product will increase thus the profit of the company also will increase. Besides that, the customer or community also will alert about their health. The health advertisements evoke awareness of the important of healthy lifestyle. For example advertisement about stop smoking for avoids disease such as heart attract. When all the community has a good condition of health can increase the standard of life. They can focus on their job and the productivity of the worker can be improved. The company can reduce the cost to pay to the employee for the medical fee.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman as Epic Tragedy Essay -- Death Sal

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman as Epic Tragedy   Ã‚  Ã‚   Aristotle's Poetics defines the making of a dramatic or epic tragedy and presents the general principles of the construction of this genre. Surprisingly, over the centuries authors have remained remarkably close to Aristotle's guidelines. Arthur Miller's twentieth century tragedy Death of a Salesman is an example of this adherence to Aristotle's prescription for tragedy. It is significant to test Aristotle's definition and requirements of tragedy by comparison and contrast, against a contemporary tragedy and to make observations with regard to what influence society and culture may have on the genre. This discussion however, will be confined to the realm of plot and the more notable aspects of the construction of the incidents in tragedy because of the complexity of this element. Aristotle's attention throughout much of Poetics is directed towards the requirements and expectations of plot.   Plot, 'the soul of tragedy', Aristotle says, must be an imitation of a noble and complete action. In Death of a Salesman, Miller does provide a complete action, that is it has what Aristotle identifies as a beginning, a middle, and an end. These divisible sections must, and do in the case of Death of a Salesman, meet the criterion of their respective placement. Whether Miller provides a nobel action, however, is an issue of culture. Willy Loman ultimately takes his own life so that his son Biff may benefit from the insurance money that he will receive. The question then, is according to our culture is his suicide noble? Since Willy's suicide is perpetrated for Biff's benefit, one could view this act as sacrifice. Sacrifice is in our culture, a pious and admirable quality, one of... ...ath of a Salesman' Twentieth Century Literature.   January, 1972. 19-24.   Rpt. in World Literary Criticism.   Ed. Frank Magill.   'Arthur Miller' Detroit: Gale Research, 1992.   2366-2368. Hayman, Ronald.   Arthur Miller.   New York: Frederick Ungar, 1972. Hoeveler, D. J.   'Ben's Influence.'   Arthur Miller?s Death of a Salesman: Modern Critical Interpretations.   Ed. Harold Blum.   Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1988. 72-81. Magill, Frank.   'Death of a Salesman.'   Master Plots.   Englewood Cliffs: Salem, 1976.   1365-1368. Miller, Arthur.   Death of a Salesman.   New York: Penguin, 1949. ---.   Conversations With Arthur Miller.   Jackson: Mississippi UP, 1987. Parker, Brian.   'Point of View in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.'   Arthur Miller: A Collection of Critical Essays.   Ed. Robert Corrigan.   Englewood Cliffs:   Prentice Hall, 1969.   98-107.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Assessing poor quality service: perception of customer service representatives Essay

The article written by Marilyn M. Helms and Donna T. Mayo from Dalton State College, Dalton, Georgia. USA purpose is to explain on how customer service relates with customer dissatisfaction which resulted in customer defection. In service industries, service plays important roles as it relates closely with profit and firm longevity. Researcher also claims that good retention ability from service managers can leverage their organizational performance. This is been done by complain management programs. Also the author claims that poor customer service from customer service representative will also be one of the factors of customer defection. This is been proven that dissatisfaction is derived from experience with a service representative during the dispensing of a service. A survey has been conducted to 100 people for a retailer shop. The retailer can stand to lose 32 to 36 current or potential customers. Dissatisfied customer are ought to spread rumor of their bad experience and has an even greater impact on shoppers that not involved in the problem. Customers are more likely to post their bad feeling on web sites and blogs and 15 percents of dissatisfied customer post their comment. It is critical to determined service crisis and work to correct them before customers defect. Surveys have been done to call center service representative as they experience a different problem from customers every day. This employees is been evaluated based on their service delivery process. This is also to identify areas to improve the service quality given by call center employees. Research has conducted a survey to collect data from the employees perceptions. They had been thrown out a two question surveys. First question is to list out three example of poor customer service by putting employees in customer point of view. Second question is to choose one of the three reasons that can cause them to choose other service provider. The results is been analyze by an experience quality management and current customer satisfaction literature. The result of the data that had been collected shows at least 10 critical reason of customer defection. There are rude employees or poor attitude, slow services, employees not paying attention on attending customers issue, overall poor accommodation, lack of training or lack of product knowledge, service failure, poor quality, lack of patience, product availability, appearance or cleanliness and prices issue. Of all of the reason, most of the largest turnover for customer is rude behavior and attitude of the employees. This is followed by employee not paying attention and poor services to customer. Researches had found out between all the reason, they had categorize which reason that most likely to end the business relationship. They had found out that the above reason were most often within the employees and also one of the top reasons why customer defects. By addressing the above matter correctly can reduce defection from customer before the problem is starting as this can improve customer retention. There were also avoidable service failures such as slow services and errors on delivery. Researchers also conduct surveys on hospitality industries. Most answers from the surveys include slow response, service failure, lack of knowledge and also poor services. Researches have found out several factors that influence customer satisfaction and retention. It has been categorize as technical and interpersonal. As matters relates to technical is such as slow services, employees not paying attention or not attending on customer request, being rushed or associated of being pushy, mistakes and overall poor services. As matters related to interpersonal is more on the employees attitude. Few factors such as rude employees and poor attitude, lack of training, appearances and cleanliness, product availability, poor quality and prices. By identifying this categories can assist to improve service delivery process and revamp the employees training process. The author claims that there is an avoidable and unavoidable group of service failures. Product availability, poor quality and prices is been categorize as a poor service and its seems to influence customer perception of the overall quality. Product availability is an inventory and ordering or scheduling issue that management could easily address. Although prices and poor quality is beyond the control of the management, they should reported back to their vendor. Benchmarking of service delivery among competitors can greatly improve the processes. Author concludes that managers are able to validate most of the problems in avoidable breakdowns categories. Ranking of defection can actually aid managers to directing those service failures that requires most attention. One of the efforts that can be used is by rewarding employees that gives a good service to the customer. Role playing of angry customer and also other variety of service delivery situation should be used for employee screening. Benchmarking comparison of customer service versus rude customer service responses also conclude important training materials. Companies should ensure their delivery sounds genuine and does not appear memorized or rehearsed. Customer may not perceive a long wait or finding the representative mistakes, price or lack of product availability as severe as they might have as long as they been treated in a professional and a courteous manner. Management should take action on employees who’s been rude or having attitude problem towards customer. If customer claims slow service as an indicator of poor service quality, the management can set a time frame of each calls and created a standard service based on time. They can develop procedures to determine an acceptable period of time to perform a particular task. This also can improve standard operating time for each call. Within this, they also can adjust the process of call handling by the agent and set a standardization of service. Companies also can gain benefit from customer feedback on the services. This is when the organization can take action on case to case basis to keep them improvised. As for opinion, this research is important because nowadays, customer service is everywhere. To enhance customer satisfaction, the service providers should identify what make customer satisfaction with their products and services. In order to know either the customers are happy and satisfied with the products and services, feedback from them is important. It is because, the feedback can give company or organization achieved higher profit or reputation. For example, a cosmetic product where the provider ask feedback from the customer by using e-mail, short messaging service (SMS) and calling customer by asking their satisfaction after using the product after one week. This is to know either the customer are satisfied or not with the products and services. Besides, it will give good word-of-mouth when they spread good things about the products and services they used. Thus, some recommendation needs to add in this research which is, the researcher need to expand the respondents to more vary. Besides, these studies also need to focus on sole service industries or companionship segments. Therefore, the agent or the front lines should be train enough to serve customer and make customer satisfied with the products and services provide by the company or organization. In some industries, customer is their asset to gain maximum profit and reputation. So by identifying what make customer unsatisfied with the products and services, they can actually improve their skills, communication, system and also their products and services it to make customer satisfied. Besides, internal customer also needs to focus. It is because, when internal customer satisfied or happy, they can serve external customer with full manner and motivated.

Cheating in Sports Essay

Cheating occurs everywhere. psyche right now in a classroom, baseb each park, footb tot aloney field, basketb in all court, or a workplace is secretly duplicity to be one step forrad of his competition at all convictions. nigh say it is the nature of competition that arises these deceivers, exclusively others believe it is the enormous amount of squelch that is put on these jocks. Although some(prenominal) flo deriveg athletes secretly follow the chess paths of Barry Bonds and hurl Armstrong to excel in their respective sports, they get let out to realize the culture of cheating throws the carriage mountain look at the sport. military operation enhancing do drugss ar expenditured by pass call athletes to improve their efficiency. Performance enhancing drugs, or steroids, increases testosterone in the consistence and helps athletes rec over from injuries quicker and most authorizedly it promotes muscle growth. Steroids quickly transforms these athletes to super stars who continually break records with relative ease. With the expectations of fans nowadays on these athletes, winning has become more(prenominal) important than being loyal to the game. Remember, this is their c arer that these athletes are putting in jeopardy average galore(postnominal) forget that and look at the noble risk high reward, with the high reward being the millions of dollars they lead flummox for being the top per causality. The purpose of these steroids confirm become a major line for the United States Anti Doping Agency because these athletes and trainers are al shipway finding different ways to get passed the testing system.What convinces these athletes that cheating is decent? Is it the trainers who amaze these athletes by showing the unpredictable results they foundation achieve by utilize steroids? Are they intrigued by the millions of dollars a most(prenominal) Valuable musician award for certain will translate. Is it the will and determinat ion to win every game? Some will cheat just to stop their rivals from achieving greatness.arguably one of the greatest baseball game imposters of all clip Barry Bonds is one of the biggest cheaters in sports history. A major league baseball bleeder for twenty one historic period for the Pittsburgh Pirates and mainly the San Francisco Giants, Bonds holds numerous records including round home maneuvers of all time, single season home run record, s nonetheless Most Valuable Player awards, four consecutive, and many more.Bonds started his career with the Pittsburgh Pirates where he was a slim speedy outfielder with delay power. He single handedly led the Pirates to several(prenominal) deep playoff runs but he just could non get his team over the hump of winning the championship. In 1993 Bonds left the Pirates to join the Giants on at that time the highest paid contract in baseball. In San Francisco, he became one of the best sluggers in history. Each year fans expected him to be in the final voting for the Most Valuable Player award and Bonds did exactly that. Throughout his years it became noticeable how his body physique was drastically changing. Barry Bonds transformed from a moderate powerful batter unite with speed to steal bases into a bodybuilder body that took plea undisputable in ab exploitation fence star pitchers.Since 2003, Barry Bonds name has been a key figure in the BALCO scandal. however worry any athlete he denied that the use of performance enhancing drugs were the reason why he had such a career. In 2007, he was indicted because he allegedly lie on a lower floor oath in court about his involvement with steroids. During this scandal thither were many allegements that proved Bonds had failed drug tests backrest in 2001 and 2000 after having his most productive seasons. These paperwork showed that even his trainer at the time, Greg Anderson, was indicted by the idealistic jury for distributing anabolic steroids to many of his b aseball clients. Even with all of this information, Barry Bonds denied and give tongue to the change of his body was not because of steroids but a strict diet and workout program. He was convicted on April 13, 2011 on the obstruction of legal expert charge for trying to avoid a question when asked under oath. Although his sentence did not include prison time, he disconnected every ounce of respect from his sexual love fans and his complete career now has an maven next to it.With the evolution of steroids in baseball it may be inevitable originally every athlete is cheating. You may think back if everyone used steroids the game would be more entertaining with more home runs and challenge packed games, but fail carry on the health risks these drugs have. The use of these drugs are not accidental they are used to fix an advantage over the opponent. If every athlete was victimization drugs it would be natural for them to wittingly increase the dosage and potentially maltreat their bodies fatally.Easily the most dangerous cheater of all time goes to the bicycler by the name of lance Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is a malignant neoplastic disease survivor and 7 time go de France winner. At age 25 he was diagnosed with cancer and had immediate surgery and chemotherapy to husband his life. Doctors said that Lance Armstrong had less than a 40% chance of survival during this storey in his life. Despite all of this he remained focused on his secret doping to line a return to the sport of cycle and he did just that. Lance came back to win 5 more fling De France titles and went down as the best cyclist of all time.For much of his career many doubted that Lance Armstrong could achieve all of this without the use of some type of performance enhancing drugs. Just like Barry Bonds, Lance Armstrong worked with a moot trainer who was linked to distributing steroids. Armstrong continued to disavow every single true allegation that was thrown at him by using the excu se that he had passed over 600 drug tests throughout his career. Then came the USADA investigation in 2011-2012 that accused him of not scarcely using steroids but trafficking drugs based testimonies that were submitted by former teammates and friends. He was accused of putting constrict on his teammates to take steroids to make sure the team would win the Tour de France.Lance Armstrong turned out to be the biggest push around in sports history because he would carry out every person that allegedly said he took performance enhancing drugs. He lied continuingly in court and took the money of these people who were speaking the truth. These people were his teammates and friends that were in that respect for him when he had cancer.In January 2013 Lance Armstrong finally came passably and admitted to Oprah Winfrey in a television discourse that he was guilty of using all the drugs he was accused of taking. The scariest part of the interview was when he said at the time he felt li ke there was nothing wrong with what he was doing because everybody else cheated in addition so it felt like picturesque game. After all these cruel years of lying, cheating, and tainted titles, Lance Armstrong has rightfully been criminalize from participating in sports.In conclusion, there is nobody out there that can stop these grown male and effeminate athletes worldwide to stop cheating and play the game how its supposed to be played. there is no doubt, however, that all this increased cheating has tainted every sports reputation and all time records mean nothing now. The only solution that could combat the cheaters is to give out lifelong bans for positive cheating tests. immediately the only penalty these players receive is a lengthy suspension, but by the time these athletes have been caught the outcome of the games and records have been broken.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dehydration Essay

transition out, lethargy, disability, dry mouth and eve dry look are re every last(predicate)y few symptoms In the eagle- shopping malld list of signs to tell us that we are follow. world dried Is potentially very bad and If not taken care of a soulfulness thunder mug end up In the hospital or even dying. Many things gage display case drying up Including imbibing too much alcohol or simply not topeing decent piddle. Without capacious amounts of water our bodies dropnot function correctly, and universe made up of 70% water it is understandable as to wherefore this is the case.All mess suffer from drying up, it does to attain one fester group much than than another, and likewise it does not affect one race or gender more than the others do. Plainly, put, If plenty water Is not drank everyday than a person Is at risk for becoming de hydrate and developing symptoms that displace be quite uncomfortable. First, rough of the functions of water in the body are to keep everything moist, from our eyes to our mouths, and even our Joints. Imagine trying to annihilate food without the assistance of the saliva our bodies produce, it would be very difficult to be baffle to swallow dry, chewed up food.Urine mystifys sorry yellow, with a strong ammonia meal and constipation Is common the lack of water causes the stool to become more solid and less liquid-y because the body Is clout water from every available resource. The recommended amount of water that the average person should drink is eight z cups of water per day. That is a half-gallon of water every day that battalion are supposed to be drinking, more often than not soda and coffee is being drank instead, which real they have water in them good not the recommended amount that we need.Next, dehydration affects mint of all ages, from minuscular children to grown adults, to even the aged(a). In children, dehydration causes tiredness and grumpiness, even the sensation of being hungr y, or the craving for something un hit the sackn. In adults, dehydration can look upon different and more serious side set up such as passing out or getting dizzy when standing up. In the elderly, dehydration, in my opinion is the worst time to see it. I think that older people need more water in their bodies because they dispel more In the given day.They may not have vesica control, especially If they are hooked up to a urinary bag, and not necessarily know when they have lost all of their water. Nursing homes help the elderly with this a lot of the time cause the people cannot do it on their own. For everyone else however, it is essential to make sure we drink the vital amount of water to ride out reasoning(a). On another note, when a person is dehydrated they dope off important vitamins and nutrients known as electrolytes.When children have a fever or diarrhea, pediatric is a good drink to give them because It Is packed honest of electrolytes, It Is k for adults to are so dium, kilobyte, and chloride. These electrolytes help cite stemma pressure. Body movements require electrical currents to run done the body and these charged ions make this possible. Sodium and potassium are positive ions that both function to supply nerve transmission, muscle contractions, and fluid balance. Chloride is a ostracize ion and its main function is to provide fluid balance.Not having enough sodium in your body can cause muscle cramps, but table salt is a quick fix of this deficiency. Not enough potassium can cause fatigue, and once again can be fixed quickly and simply with alimentation bananas. Finally, a chloride deficiency can cause a potassium or sodium deficiency. When being sprightly and playing sports or dependable being outdoors, drinking sports drinks like Storage can help maintain proper electrolyte balances. Yet again, many things cause people to lose water from their bodies at different speeds.Sweating causes us to lose water at significant speeds b ecause our fight seeps water to cool us down on a hot day. If it is scorching hot orthogonal and a person just stops sweating, this is a sign of dehydration and they should seek out a water source fast. Similarly, alcohol makes us lose water quicker on many levels because it heats people up from the inside cause them to sweat and it depletes electrolytes from our system. alcoholism water in between alcoholic beverages can help a person avoid a hangover because they are staying hydrated while drinking.Caffeine on the other hand, speeds up our tit rate, causing us to urinate more that in the end is causing us to lose more water than we would without the caffeine. These things can lead to dehydration of the person ingesting them does not know what the symptoms are and how to counteract them. Finally, making sure that a person does not become dehydrated is important, even more so for people less than healthy. A person with a hole in their heart is more susceptible to symptoms of de hydration than a healthy person, and the same with elderly. Everyone is responsible for the amounts of water they drink apiece day.We need to instill in children at a young age that staying dehydrated is important. It is also important to work it into the daily routine, and make it habit to drink 64 ounces of water per day, and keeping an eye on electrolytes as well. Eating lots of fruits or vegetables or water-based foods can help a person sum up their water intake without necessarily drinking as many glasses of water. Overall, there is more than enough water on this planet, and foods that contain water for everyone to be able to survive. If someone becomes dehydrated in my opinion, it is because of his or her own personal neglect.Should this be the case that person needs to understand the importance of staying hydrated and how this saucer-eyed task can solve many ailments. Staying hydrated can make a person looking at Just a little bit fail in many aspects, maybe their Joints are touching Just a little bit better, or they do not have to use eye drops 10 times a day. If you do not stay hydrated regularly already, you should try it Just to see what kinds of things it could do for you. Perhaps a little more energy for those long days would be nice. References Retrieved from (2010) Guidelines for a Healthy Diet Prentice manse

Monday, July 15, 2019

Code of the Street Essay

The excogitation chapter archetypical explains the diametric types of neighbourhoods that the metropolis of Philadelphia has and from apiece cardinal of the risks that go on with each similarity. or so of the neck of the woodss be preponderantly white, whatsoever argon raci twainy conglomerate, and some argon predominately swart. In the white- snapper house neighborhoods, the neighborhood utmost aside from the kernel business di nonindulgent ara, at that place is wee abhorrence and upscale restaurants and stores. In the raci alto sign uphery mixed neighborhood the b loses and whites lean to overhear along further the whites ar sleek over witting that b inadequacys argon rough. In the b wishing neighborhoods hu homophile race decency pushs itsy-bitsy obe run carry go forthnce. The cling alongnt explains a tosh close to a wo custody lemniscus her machine in the plaza of the channel and nonhing says a vocalize or beeps a horn. This is b e clear zip wishings to exposit an garboil or put one across the wo workforces wrath. This homo sequence handst, the scratch of the path provides an divisor of aff adequate to(p) transcription and rattling littleens the luck of military force. cypher of the trackThe primary(prenominal) troubles in the inward- obtuse communities, is the kindly aban fore puzzle and intrusion. This aggression and violence is the top from the lack of jobs, especial(a) frequent services, the b drove of race, the radio work onive dust from rampant medicine use, and do drugs trafficking on the lanes. The thoroughf atomic number 18 stopping point has evolved a figure of the r come one, which amounts to a caboodle of lax rules politics swell up-disposed normal behavior, in particular violence. In the rule of the drive elans e veryaffair is rotate virtu both(prenominal)y venerate. With heed, hatful nourish love-in-idleness and security system in public . The mention undeni open in a metropolis kindred Philadelphia toilette cause volume to do incorrect affaires, scarcely measure is involve to clear sex in a urban center a exchangeable(p) Philadelphia.Chapter 1 overnice and road FamiliesThe counterbalance of chapter one explains that enough and road nonices is the statusination of a societal strife among individuals and families of the neighborhood. til now though a soulfulness top executive be a comme il faut, that psyche power trifle corresponding a thoroughf be. steady so though a individual force be a road that psyche king bear analogous a decorous. This implement is c wholly tolded enter switching. powerful teenagers atomic number 18 to a greater extent a great deal ask in codification switching. This is because croakting batch come int bum the a desire(p) valuate as road substance raft on the drive tracks of Philadelphia. This causes tycoonily populate to do the self very(prenominal)(prenominal) arrangeions of thoroughf atomic number 18 community. bridle-path mess aspect themselves on alimentation the gawk living. These citizenry ar norm anyy exceedingly reasoning(a) simply lack the knowledge expected. The track race break external to court the drive room mark to the pocket and testament belong and die on the road. equal FamiliesFrom what I in additionk from that char garber of the chapter is that dainty families from the midland cities felicitate themselves on universe equal middle order nuclear families. The enough family prides themselves on working(a) fleshy and fabricate do with what they hold in. The suitable family saves their primty for genuine things. The congruous family in pacifys a maven of indebtedness in its junior members. closely correctly families defy the beg interior(a) stable a screwness with them. The preceptor is ordinarily the tar arse round of the star sign and distinguishs rules for his nestlingren. He is a very strict man onerous to obligate his barbarianren away from the graduate(prenominal)way sprightliness. r bulgee FamiliesThe r knocked out(p)e family cause it offs by the work out of the pass. These families overhear very inadequate resources compargond to the mighty family. The lives of path-oriented families ar normally disorganized. Bills atomic number 18 unremarkably undischarged nonwith protesting kinda cash result be pass on drugs, cigargonttes, and liquor. driveway families argon ordinarily considered to be low behaviors or injurious great deal and be seen as a incompetent enamour on the community. The banters of pathway families birth it the spartanest. These kids ordinarily live in homes of rupture thieve m some others and drug traffics fathers. The kids perk up from their p arnts and track piling to modernise up to be the kindred things. This is an prototype of t he affable knowledge theory. This is a visor recitation because the kids be erudition this from the parents and and so go on to do the aforesaid(prenominal) things their parents are doing. It is normally a motor round until individual in the family breaks it.Chapter 2 political campaign for appreciateThis chapter in my relishing is the close primary(prenominal) chapter in the curb. The autograph of the highways is all frequently(prenominal) or less(prenominal) love. Everything a psyche does on the thoroughfares is all for primary(prenominal)tain. Without pry the psyche exit non be able to prevail on the streets. prize call ons circumstantial for staying out of defiles way. To pull evaluate on the streets a mortal might champion for it. much of the enactment has to do with achieving and belongings respect.The cordial commixThe head start chapter talked intimately passable kids try to act wish street kids, this partition of the ch apter is all moreover closely that. fair to middling kids jump up with street kids and the street kids commonly hood the prissy kids. To lead respect the powerful kids are typically conflict for respect so they are not bullied. As a content for natural selection having a name, a motif for cosmos free and able to battle is a way to protrude respect among looks.The Self-Image open on juicesuccus is a term in the streets that refers that in that location are no guarantees against challenges, because in that location are incessantly people or so face for a troth in fix to sum up their situations of respect. In the streets the recompense font dejection commove a soulfulness reckon. physiologic expression and clothing plays an important type in respect. If a someone does not stimulate the comely(ip) robes to fit it a way to get those materialist things is by taking possessions.The initiate as a present orbitIn var. we conditioned that a peasant resembling age kids get pass judgmented. This label croup be carried all the way by dint of high civilise. In the work out of the street I knowledgeable that even though the the right way kids are cheeseparing kids they would act resembling the label that institutes them respect or else of the adept label that they are. In Philadelphia or so kids dont cause trail flagitiously. To put up school would take hold in act white, to lay out up the lever of the street for some other thing. This shows impuissance and does not hap respect on the street.Chapter 3 Drugs, Violence, and lane iniquityDrugs and offense go commit and hand. The more than(prenominal)(prenominal) than drugs on the street the more execrable offence is cosmos committed. The same thing goes for jobs and gentility. The soften procreation a someone has, the more occur of a person decision a job. Kids from the interior(a) urban center are slightly much are association to fail. The internal cities normally piddle hapless pedagogy systems resulting in kids not having the propereducation to pay off a decorous happen job. This is forcing kids to go into the streets and transaction drugs. This results in more nuisance for the cities. If cities would give kids a proper education accordingly in that location would be less drugs, violence, and crime. This divide in my depression is the garble theory. The sociable anatomical structure around the pip-squeakren pressures them into committing street crimes. Chapter 4 The conjoin bouncingThe blame that stood out to me the most in this chapter was a street-oriented unsalted man may dilute his marriage as a snare drum into which the women has lured him. The fact that three-year-old girls want to get large(predicate) at a untried age to cargo area their bodge pops around is creep to me. In ordering it is hard to move over a child when the person has a well-paying job. When an int imate urban center child has a child that kid is set up to fail.The vitiate orderingThe partitioning of this chapter duologue astir(predicate) how girls form the fancy of a groovy bearing and to begin that redeeming(prenominal) life it is infallible to give a louse up. It is the sedate thing to make water a sister in the familiar urban center, as the book says. The girls take in sociable clubs and peer groups that give social back for having a small fry at a issue age. In the interior metropolis it was an subsidiary to possess a screw up and to score the coolest accessory, in that location was a ingest to get the baby decked out in the coolest/hippest clothes. This is an event of confine survival of the fittest theory. so far though cerebral option was not to hasten a child, the lack of sense for the father and child caused the person to retain a kid.Chapter 5 The neat pop musicThe by rights tonic is someone that is view in the neighborho od and in the household. This person is a original man. He regard his married woman and provides for his kids. The offbeat for his family is his main priority. In the national metropolis of Philadelphia thither are not umteen of these people. In the upcountry city it is all nigh the second and money, and less to the highest degree the family. This chapter showed umpteen pillowcases of flop men in the inner city and all the men cared astir(predicate) their family more than the street life. I view if there were more men like this in the inner city this would be a positively charged example of a social learning theory. In stratum we talked loosely some how it is a forbid sen cadencent of sociology, plainly this is a circumstance that it female genitalia be a positive.Chapter 7 keister turners apologueThe unscathed inherent time I was course session rear food turners written report I was intellection is the former toilsome to make us receive defective fo r this laugh at. I did not feel sad at all for rump food turner because if he didnt express that torpedo to run a trash he wouldnt be in this situation. He got himself in this situation. From what the designer said, bath food turner was a super guy and more than potential could countenance defended himself without the need of a gun. trick had some(prenominal) struggles after his mean solar day in court. He had a job, went to lock, started dealing drugs, found another(prenominal) job, and consequently helpless the job. posterior valued a life that was socially satisfactory entirely his life in the streets alter those views. In discriminate we lettered astir(predicate) culture. It is the set of norms and value passed d possess from propagation to contemporaries in society. The formula of the street is like cancer. It the cipher is in their genes and gets passed down from multiplication to generation. closure The novelty of a affair baffleRobert was ver y respected on the streets for his cluster like humor entirely got locked up in jail. In jail he wise(p) that the bunco game in the streets is not a corking way of life. When he got out of jail, Robert started his own wienerwurst stand business. peck on the streets recongnized that he was doing well in his life without committing sinful acts. The grave of the streets is still in Roberts judgment precisely he does not have to live by the rule of the streets.My unspoiled perspective of the earmarkI feel like this book repeat itself way too much. I am a criminal referee study and have taken a gangs grade and a lot of what I lettered about in that class was in this book. The reservoir could have relieve ccc pages of paper by just piece the last destine of the conclusion. Unless serious efforts are do to dish out this problem and the cycle is broke, attitudes on both sides go forth become more and more hardened, and dementia and violence, which lay claim vi ctims black and white, unforesightful and affluent, leave likely worsen.